
Open your eyes y'all

  • Open your eyes y'all
  • This is a wake up call
  • For those ignorant people of the world
  • 打开报纸 又是一堆杀人放火
  • 又是吵架 面红耳赤你争我夺
  • 又是政客 在胡言乱语show off
  • 又是明星 在绞尽脑汁炒作
  • 每个人 都想展现自己与众不同
  • 诱惑太多 荣华富贵怎样 都不够
  • 来继续堕落 快来继续卖弄
  • 你还有什么 你还想证明什么
  • 你说你 能征服所有一切
  • 当你拥有一切 你却从不自觉
  • 你说你 能面对所有困难
  • 所有的困难 都是过眼云烟
  • 你说人定胜天 水来土淹
  • 如果天 塌下来你会把它当棉被
  • 哈哈 有一天 可能就在今夜
  • 山崩地裂 你也只能躲在棉被
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • When you're trying hard to be the king of the world
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • Can't you see that we are only hurting this world
  • 劫 是逃不过的劫
  • 是老天在发泄 还是大地在埋怨
  • 埋怨人类做的一切 是时候做个了结
  • 它一步一步 来摧毁一处一处
  • 你只能痛哭 只能痛苦
  • 只能对着尸体 来表现你的无助
  • 你的车 你的名牌 你的钱 你的房子
  • 会在灾难中化为一片泥土
  • 流着泪 望着天 等着判决
  • 排着队 等着灰飞烟灭
  • 世界末日会在明天 还是明天后的明天
  • 闭上眼 睁开眼 刹那之间
  • 一瞬间 变成了 一万年
  • 废墟中找寻不到 记忆里幸福的家园
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • When you're trying hard to be the king of the world
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • Can't you see that we are only hurting this world
  • Can I catch my breath before I say 'I love you'
  • Can we kiss again under the poison rainfall
  • Can I hold you tight until tomorrow
  • Or tomorrow ... There'll never be tomorrow ...
  • 看见灾难很惊世 它有什么样的警示
  • 还是 你只是看看电视 不关你的事
  • 继续放肆 继续无耻 做你以为对的事
  • 犯了一生的罪 沾了一身的秽 然后再滥用宗教信仰脱罪
  • 天盖之下 地载之上 一群无知的人类
  • 以为出类拔萃 都在自我陶醉
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • When you're trying hard to be the king of the world
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • Can't you see that we are only hurting this world
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • When you're trying hard to be the king of the world
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • Can't you see that we are only hurting this world
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • When you're trying hard to be the king of the world
  • We are nothing at all We've got nothing at all
  • Can't you see that we are only hurting this world
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我没照原唱 有尝试玩一点不一样的 希望你别介意(你一定不会介意 因为你比我更会玩🤣)🙏🏻

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2021-6-30 19:00 iPad mini 4


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