Dear Heart

Dear heart

  • Dear heart
  • Wish you were here
  • To warm this night
  • My dear heart
  • Seems like a year
  • Since you've been out of my sign
  • A single room a table for one
  • It's a lonesome town all right
  • But soon I'll kiss you hello
  • At our front door
  • And dear heart
  • I want you to know
  • I'll leave your arms never more
  • Oh but dear heart
  • I want you to know
  • I'll leave your arms never more
  • I'll leave your arms never more
  • Never more
Xem chi tiết bài hát
Come to join my duet!

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2022-5-25 11:23 OPPOCPH2059


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Bình luận 5

  • julia julia 2022-5-25 14:00

    Discovered your channel just now

  • WeSing1108 2022-5-25 17:41

    I'm so sorry to say my friend but the lyrics of this wonderful cover song titled Dear Heart not familiar to me. Never get tried to sing

  • WeSing1108 2022-5-25 17:43

    Never get tried to sing this song even before but I heard it rarely.

  • Nelson Wee 2022-5-25 17:59

    Thanks for your comments Mdf is okay , I hope you enjoy..😉😉👍🏻👍🏻

  • Jinky Torress Villaflores 2022-5-29 15:12

    😍🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭oh my gosh. 🧑‍🎤😊😊😊🥰🥰