You Are My All In All

You are my strength when I am weak

  • You are my strength when I am weak
  • You are the treasure that I seek
  • You are my all in all
  • Seeking You as a precious jewel
  • Lord to give up I'd be a fool
  • You are my all in all
  • Jesus Lamb of God
  • Worthy is Your name
  • Jesus Lamb of God
  • Worthy is Your name
  • Taking my sin my cross my shame
  • Rising up again I bless Your name
  • You are my all in all
  • When I fall down You pick me up
  • When I am dry You fill my cup
  • You are my all in all
  • Jesus Lamb of God
  • Worthy is Your name
  • Jesus Lamb of God
  • Worthy is Your name
  • You are my jesus
  • Lamb of God
  • Worthy is your name
  • Jesus lamb of god
  • Worthy is your name
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33 5 2299

8-31 17:25


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Bình luận 5

  • ⚖️♏uTi@r@ J@S♏InE'98🇮🇩 8-31 21:24

    ⠀ 🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌼🌼🌼🌺 🌺🌼☀🌼🌺 🌺🌼🌼🌼🌺 🌺🌺🌺🌺 🌱 🌱🍃 🌱 👶🌱 👚👍 👟👟 Puji TUHAN👏

  • Raehana Syah Abdullah 9-4 22:44

    😘💙 Siiip .... be your self !! 😍🧑‍🎤🧑‍🎤

  • Nurhayati s 9-6 22:08

    terus berkarya yah! hehehe

  • Lia Oktovian 9-6 22:51

    😚oke juga kk Keren! Beruntung sekali bisa melihat lagu yang keren seperti ini!

  • Henry Sukoco 9-11 14:47

    💪😊😊😊🎤 mantappp.... Saya tidak bisa berhenti menontonnya ✊😎