A Love Song

Why do people cry when they hear

  • Why do people cry when they hear
  • The word goodbye in a love song?
  • Tears are sure to fall when you know
  • They gave it all in a love song
  • Somehow two lovers get a chance
  • At a beautiful romance
  • And you wish it could be you
  • Cause everybody's needing
  • What the singers all are singing
  • In a love song
  • It can tear you apart cause a word
  • Can break a heart in a love song
  • They say all the things you feel
  • And they make it
  • Sound so real in a love song
  • It seems that everything they say
  • Is said in such a way
  • That we believe it's true
  • Cause everybody's needing
  • What the singers all are singing
  • In a love song
  • Each of us know there's no guarantee
  • We'll ever find love
  • And in the songs that we share
  • The heartache is there to remind us
  • New love brings a thrill and we know
  • It always will in a love song
  • Happiness can leave but it helps
  • If we believe in a love song
  • There's a part of you and me
  • In every memory that tells us who we are
  • And everybody's needing
  • What the singers all are singing
  • In a love song
  • And everybody's needing
  • What the singers all are singing
  • In a love song
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2023-4-8 18:12 OPPOCPH2343

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  • .😎 mesack 😎 2023-4-8 18:47

    sori pakek air Bud, jadi keliatan telat suarahnya

  • Yuli Sulistyaningsih 2023-4-17 22:54

    🥰🥰✨subhanalloh akhirnya menemukan jg harapan..masa dpn. smg menjadi kenyataan..aamiin.🙏 😁😎