Am I That Easy to Forget?

You say you've found somebody new

  • You say you've found somebody new
  • But that won't stop my loving you
  • I just can't let you walk away
  • Forget the love I have for you
  • Yes I could find somebody too
  • But I don't want no one but you
  • How can you leave without
  • Regret am I that easy to forget
  • Before you leave be sure you
  • Find you want his love much more than mine
  • Then I'll just say we've never met
  • If I'm that easy to forget
  • Yes I could find somebody too
  • But I don't want no one but you
  • Then I'll just say we've never met
  • If I'm that easy to forget
  • Yes I could find somebody too
  • But I don't want no one but you
  • Then I'll just say we've never met
  • If I'm that easy to forget
Xem chi tiết bài hát
Let's listen to my solo!

34 9 1900

Ngày hôm qua 13:20 HUAWEI P30


Tổng: 0 300

Bình luận 9

  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 13:21


  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 13:21


  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 13:44

    💝TRIE💝🔹36... :Thanks for tuning in and great compliments mf 🎄🙏🎄

  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 13:44

    💝TRIE💝🔹36... ;thanks for your great support mf 🎄🙏🎄

  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 14:01

    €V€[_IN... :Thanks for tuning in and great compliments mf 🎄🙏🎄

  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 14:02

    €V€[_lN... :Thanks for your great support mf 🎄🙏🎄

  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 14:33

    Glory Ori... :Thanks for tuning in and great compliments mf 🎄🙏🎄

  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 15:59

    🇮🇩 Hamb...:Thanks for tuning in and great compliments mf 🎄🙏🎄

  • Evelyn Signey Ngày hôm qua 15:59

    Hamb... :Thanks for your great support mf 🎄🙏🎄