A Pure Heart

A pure heart that's what I long for

  • A pure heart that's what I long for
  • A heart that follows hard after Thee;
  • A pure heart that's what I long for
  • A heart that follows hard after Thee
  • A heart that hides Your Word
  • So that sin will not come in
  • A heart that's undivided
  • But one You rule and reign;
  • A heart that beats compassion
  • That pleases You my Lord
  • A sweet aroma of worship
  • That rises to Your throne
  • Ha rises to Your throne
  • A pure heart that's what I long for
  • A heart that follows hard after Thee;
  • A pure heart that's what I long for
  • A heart that follows hard after Thee
  • A heart that hides Your Word
  • So that sin will not come in
  • A heart that's undivided
  • But one You rule and reign;
  • A heart that beats compassion
  • That pleases You my Lord
  • A sweet aroma of worship
  • A sweet aroma of worship
  • A sweet aroma of worship
  • That rises to Your throne
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176 21 1

2021-12-16 13:21 RealmeRMX1941


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