Wasted Sunsets

And all the silent whispers will be blown away

  • And all the silent whispers will be blown away
  • And lying in the corner a pair of high heel shoes
  • Hanging on the wall gold and silver for the blues
  • One too many wasted sunsets
  • One too many for the road
  • And after dark the door is always open
  • Hoping someone else will show
Yuk dengarkan aku nyanyi solo!

29 2 585

2024-11-29 22:21 vivo 1907


累计: 0 7

评论 2

  • Yulaay 2024-12-7 22:27

    🎉🤗😘🧡 😁kerennn bang...👍👍👍👍👍 keren suaranya bli

  • Vandri Dri 2024-12-7 22:46

    wowwww 💗💗💗