
You closed your eyes just to

  • You closed your eyes just to
  • Sation raining forever
  • I think I'll drown myself with my tears
  • Why does it have to be like this
  • So do you want to see loyalty
  • Are these tears not enough for you
  • For you
  • By the sound of your message I felt you meant goodbye
  • The raining is never ending clutching my emotions remembering
  • The moments passed
  • Why does it have to be like this
  • So it doesn't mean anything to you so do you want to
  • See loyalty not enough for you
  • I thought it was okay my feelings unfolded right before my eyes
  • What did your embraces mean
  • Did you mean it when you called my name
  • I know by now
Let's listen to my solo!

207 25 1

2022-5-17 21:48 realme Q


รวม: 0 40

ความเห็น 25