
Everything about you is how I wanna be

  • Everything about you is how I wanna be
  • Your freedom comes naturally
  • Everything about you resonates happiness
  • Now I won't settle for less
  • Give me all the peace and joy in your mind
  • Everything about you pains my envying
  • Your soul can't hate anything
  • Everything about you is so easy to love
  • They'er watching you from above
  • Give me all the peace and joy in your mind
  • I want the peace and joy in your mind
  • Give me the peace and joy in your mind
  • Everything about you resonates happiness
  • Now I won't settle for less
  • Give me all the peace and joy in your mind
  • I want the peace and joy in your mind
  • Give me the peace and joy in your mind
MUSE,, Bliss.!!!

36 4 1669

2022-12-19 00:05 vivo 1817


累计: 0 3

评论 4

  • Sekarr Han 2022-12-20 14:19

    suara adek baguss ... tnn lho

  • luxman 2022-12-21 13:15

    trimaksiieh kk,, 🤗🤗🤗✌✌🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏.!!!

  • Sahat Grab 2022-12-29 14:40

    Sayang, aku akan ambil itu ❤️

  • khee ( 淇 ) 2022-12-29 15:37

    merdu banget suaranya